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Showing posts from May, 2014
"It is useless to be unhappy about things we can't change, as much as it is useless to be unhappy about things that we can"  - "Adulterio" by Paulo Coelho Most people are so in love with their sadness. Pain is inevitable in life, but it's how we handle it that matters. Every single day is a struggle to find happiness, because it is often a miracle. The little things in life, - the shaft of sunlight in the morning, the bus ride to work, the free afternoon Chai, the purring of a cat, a simple text from the one you love-- are what we wake up for. Our daydreams and unconscious desires, in order to make them come true, we have to wake up and try to search for happiness each day that is given to us. If we want happiness, then we should change the way we think about life.


The place where heaven and earth meets was where we left off, A fragment of my soul lingers in those brick walls, hoping to revisit & claim someday "Someday", is a fickle word The now, though a million steps away slowly makes its way towards me I pray that the first unity is of the soul, Where the adventure can start and never end, We gasp for air & beg the gods above.


Orange I'm at the edge of the world, looking at you from afar The bridges we've crossed and the pathways we've made, I wonder if they've brought us any closer? Stumbling for words, my lips are trembling to make out the right things to say. You, the juvenile delinquent. The embodiment of youth and its dysfunction. I hope you know what you are looking for. For in the city of lights, few stars are to be found. ~Dawn